A short one today. And not (just) because I’ve got a tedious accounts thing to do but because the photo says it all. Currently a 2, in case you’re curious.

Apologies if it’s the LinkedIn equivalent of Charlie Bit My Finger and been circulated several billion times.* I was sent the list by an entrepreneur friend in the early days of discussing YumTuc and have thought about it a lot since. I’ve shared the photo with many others and can’t imagine anyone not identifying with it.† It applies to startups, certainly, along with businesses of any size. And probably to life in general too.

With YumTuc, I fluctuate between 2 and 5 on most days. Often within a hour and sometimes within a minute. I wonder if the same is true of the majority of people in the workplace and beyond. I’ve mentioned before how confidence is an absolutely vital asset. But I still think** even the most outwardly self-assured leaders will have experienced 3 and 4 before – if only during private moments of panic and reflection.

When building the app, it got to the point where our CPTO Tom would just ask ‘What number?’ and I’d throw one back at him. 1 was sighted all too briefly at the beginning. 6 lies so far on the distant horizon that it’s barely distinguishable. But I suspect most entrepreneurs consider it within reach, eventually. Knowing full well they’ll slide back down again as soon as they arrive.

Anyway, a brief and hopefully not too disturbing insight into my mind. Which is now back up to 5.

Join YumTuc on the App Store/Google Play by clicking here.

*Remember I’m a LinkedIn newbie, having ignored it for 21 years.

†Apart from the odd sociopath. 

**Or maybe hope.